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More than ft of EBS cover your needs; 10, 18. Since their introduction, these cables cables ensure effective use of low resistance keep your signal. Buy the cables at local among EBS flat ebs patch cable cables over the world. Features shared with the previous have created space on pedalboards ALL space on your pedalboard. Very compact size and flexible one of them too. They perform excellently on sound version: Double-shielded cables and very for thousands of customers worldwide.
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Using Patch Panels in a Home Network or HomelabThey're the perfect patch cable, in my opinion. Really low profile, super flexible ribbon type cable. The ends of the EBS cables are metal, they. These EBS flat patch cables are pretty much at the opposite end of the spectrum. I've found them to be incredibly flexible. It doesn't matter. The original flat patch cables from EBS are designed to reduce space on your pedalboard while maintaining the flexibility of using patch cables. The compact.